Smart Meters
In Longmont
One of the main purposes of this website and of the people who created it is to stop, one way or another, the impending rollout of smart meters in the city of Longmont, CO, by providing the woefully (and purposefully, in our opinion) undereducated public with a real education on this topic, backed by credible science, and raising awareness by providing the kind of information the people of this city might have wished for from their city government, had they known 1) what to even ask for and 2) that this technology might pose a problem – to themselves, their families, their pets, wildlife and more. But the cold, sad, facts are, so many people, here and elsewhere, still don’t even know what a “smart” meter is, much less its many known risks and dangers. Our city government, to our mind, has given us only half of the equation, the half that puts the meters on a pedestal called “deploying smart meters (aka AMI or Advanced Metering Infrastructure), an already outdated technology, is the ‘cornerstone’ of energy self reliance Longmont needs and wants.” This city has not promoted a public (and two sided) conversation on this topic, despite what the city’s website would have you believe. People have been showing up at City Council meetings and the Sustainability Advisory Board for nearly four years with their remarks and with some of the best expert and scientific information and subject matter experts available, as well as personal testimonies. All this, and yet, still not making a dent in the City’s decision to go ahead with the meters, not even a slow down. (Stated another way, and the way we see the City’s collective mindset for some reason unbeknownst to us: “my mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with the facts!”).
Yes, Houston, we have a problem – it is called EMF (electromagnetic fields) harms, and on this page, we are talkin’ smart meters!!!
Why we are so concerned about this……
Longmont4SafeTech is a group of forward-thinking residents who believe, even know, there are better and safer ways to shepherd our city into a clean, non-polluting, energy-sustainable future, without its residents being irradiated by what we believe (informed by a lot of evidence and science) to be the unnecessary addition of further wireless tech in the form of wireless smart meters, on top of the pervasive electrosmog we already are living within. Furthermore, we believe any initiatives such as rolling out wireless smart meters, that potentially endanger health and lives on several fronts, ought to be put before the populace (once they have been fully informed and educated by independent experts) for a vote; the City of Longmont should provide true informed consent and NOT coercion or propaganda (parroted from captured alphabet agencies) and unaccountable NGOs. Then, even IF the meters were approved by a majority of residents, there should be a free “opt-in” rather than a paid “opt-out” (paid opt-out currently included in the city’s program) that would leave residents with the right to keep their analog meters at no charge (perhaps with the addition of another piece of technology that assists the recording of energy usage, that no one’s talking about or, in our case, knows much about). Doesn’t this city know by now, from the many comments it has received, over time, that some EMS (electro-magnetically sensitive) people absolutely need their analogs to stay free of danger and even to stay alive!?!
Above all, instead of adding more wireless infrastructure (that we’re told by * a great expert in this matter * is soon to be obsolete anyway), we need to incorporate wired technology that is benign to residents, including the environment and living things, and not just beneficial to personal agendas, and to the smart meter and energy industries. We maintain the above conditions are NOT being met by Longmont’s smart meter/AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) agenda. Smart meters do not benefit the consumer, only the industry, which in this case is Longmont Power and Communication, and the City of Longmont. As a part of the proposed AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) network, an already outdated 1990s technology, smart meters will also reduce the workforce of Longmont Power and Communication, putting people out of work, and producing savings which, of course, will not be passed on to the consumer.
* You may or may not have guessed, but the great expert we reference above is Dr. Timothy Schoechle Ph.D., of Boulder, CO. He has a more than impressive resume, and the City of Longmont in particular, as well as the PRPA (Platte River Power Authority) need his expertise!!! He is an “expert’s expert” – read about Dr. Schoechle in Mother Jones here….
But before we continue….some of you may be puzzled, and asking: what exactly is a “smart” meter?
A smart meter, which is classified as a computer, is an electronic replacement device for an existing electromechanical analog or digital electric meter that measures the electrical power usage of a dwelling. Generally speaking, a “smart” meter has a two-way radio frequency (RF) broadcasting capacity that can send the power usage data to the utility wirelessly (“almost” in real time) to a collection point or station in the neighborhood that forwards the info on to the utility company.
Electric utility meters, whether analog or “smart” are generally located outside on the side of a garage, opposite a breaker box, or in a bay of meters on the end of an apartment building, strip mall, etc. Instead of a power company employee taking a reading every month, a smart meter transmits usage data wirelessly, multiple times a day to the power company in Longmont’s case, by what is known as a mesh network, a wireless network of chattering, communicating smart meters, that collectively broadcast almost constantly, 24/7, despite Longmont Power and Communications’ claim their smart meters will only transmit usage data for a few seconds every hour, therefore, “where’s the problem?!”
An RF (radio frequency) measuring device such as the RF meter shown here should demonstrate the truth of the matter. We know for sure, that the smart meters in a bay of six that we measured in the south Longmont test zone, were emitting RF signals, (according to the Safe and Sound Pro II we used) far more frequently than the “once every fifteen minutes” as quoted by the LPC, and at levels that were far from safe, according to the RF meter. Ditto for the several meters we measured behind the retail outlets near the Brewing Market at Hover and Ken Pratt Blvd. All broadcasting high-frequency spikes of RF, clearly in the “danger zone” on our RF meter, and spiking, clearly, more than once a minute. At this time we acknowledge that we are not at all sure whether meters that end up in use in the test zone will match (or not) the bulk of the Landis/Gyr meters to be installed citywide, it’s possible the city will change out the existing meters in the test zone to match the meters in the rest of the city. So on this point, the full truth remains to be uncovered, once the greater rollout of the newer meters commences (we imagine we will see the same outcome, but are open to simply reporting the truth of the matter, whatever we find!).
The smart meters being rolled out citywide in Longmont, beginning in Aug. 2023, are only concerned with reading electrical usage. Other smart meters replace analog water and gas meters; Longmont rolled out AMR (Automated Meter Reading), one-way broadcasting smart water meters in the past two years to its water customers; however, in our opinion, the current electrical smart meter rollout in Longmont is much more of a threat than the already installed “smart” water meters.
What is it about these meters that is harmful?
As mentioned, smart meters wirelessly transmit electrical usage back to the power company via what’s known as a wireless mesh network, where smart meters in a given area chatter non-stop, collecting data and submitting it back to a centralized data collection station. That station then delivers the information for that area back to the “mothership” (in actuality, the Longmont Power Company) via fiber optic cable. Longmont is blessed to be one of (at least) two “fiber to the premises” or “FTTP” cities in the U.S. (the other we know of being Chattanooga, TN) allowing Longmont’s NextLight Internet provider to claim at least one of the fastest internet services in the nation due to having FTTP. Longmont’s data collection stations consist of thirteen repurposed poles around the city that formerly housed tornado warning sirens, the sirens have been taken down, but the poles remain, making them the perfect placement for antennas that collect both “smart” electrical usage (equipment two-thirds of the way up the pole) as well as “smart” water usage (top antenna on pole).
All of this may sound really good at first blush, however, contrary to the city’s assertion that your smart meter will only transmit a few seconds each hour, as a network and even as individual meters, it appears they are pretty much continuously transmitting. And when they do, it is via RF/microwave frequencies. (Yes, microwaves, as in a microwave oven!)
Due to the constancy of these microwave transmissions, a smart meter (or a group of them) can be easily as harmful as a smartphone if you happen to be too close to one and/or spend too much time in near proximity (such as sleeping in a bed where there is a smart meter on the other side of the wall [highly discouraged!!] like a young girl in an adjacent county to ours did, and whose doctor attributed her brain tumor to the smart meter).
Just let that sink in.
Or like standing in front of a bay of them, pondering whether they were “smart” or simply non-broadcasting digital electric meters, as we did years ago in another town (and felt unwell for the rest of the day meaning, yes, they were “smart” meters, as we were later able to confirm, but our bodies revealed the truth first)…..
Or, your office or bedroom happens to be directly or indirectly above one or more of them, as with friends we know who also have various health issues. Can we say any of those issues is related to the meters? Absolutely not. However, when was the last time you heard someone tell you how they were healed of their cancer or heart attack when a smart meter was installed, or that a smart meter installed on their home delivered to them healing energy such as Reiki?!! Never, you say?
Distance is definitely your friend with RF/microwave transmissions (unlike what you see in this photo: not nearly enough distance for the meters shown below the office window, and when you factor in the ambient RF inside the home, which we did and which was off the charts from the WiFi………I repeat, Houston, we have a situation!!!).
Yes, distance is definitely your friend, but up close and personal, inside or outside of your home, you will be exposing yourself to a constant barrage of spikey pulsed microwave transmissions that harm lifeforms, including humans!!! (See the science here).
But wait, there’s more!!! A smart meter contains what’s known as a “switched mode power supply” that disrupts the steady flow and coherence of the electrical power supply as it enters your dwelling, creating what is known in the industry as “conducted emissions, transients, noise” but known by lay people as “dirty electricity.” Dirty electricity or DE is another major cause of harm to biological life, plants, animals, insects, and humans! This form of toxic and incoherent energy that rides on the circuitry of your home, broadcasting into the room, can and does cause damage to living cells. As a note of interest, when a leading member of the Longmont Power and Communications AMI team was asked about dirty electricity (but said he wasn’t exactly clear what we meant) a number of us got busy and wrote up a report on it for this individual (who in truth, had actually been very forthcoming and helpful.)
Additionally, Bill Bathgate, a well-known professional electric and mechanical engineer, and expert on smart meters shows how a smart meter records power usage in a way that, in essence, falsifies your actual energy use by quantifying your peak usage (initial fleeting energy spike as an appliance turns on, which settles into a much lower, steady calibration) in a fifteen minute period, as the amount (the spike!) to be calibrated as the average of actual energy used, and then YOU are billed for the entire amount, which is quantifiably in error, making for a much higher amount that you receive on your bill, overall. Charging by the actual graph of usage, as you might be able to visualize, with its peaks and valleys, would necessitate a much lower amount when all is said and done!!!! If we have to pay more for our power, we’d rather it not be because of a fraudulent accounting method.
More on the dangers of microwave EMR (electromagnetic radiation) can be found here.
EKG Proof that “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart at this link, videos from Warren Woodward… I and II
Dr. Beatrice Golumb, MD, PhD, researcher and professor at San Diego University did a survey that found almost 70% of people, when asked, acknowledged a triggering event for their electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) and the majority of that 70% said they knew that the installation of a smart meter was what triggered the onset of their EMS.
Below are quotes extracted from public comments submitted to the Department of Public Utilities of Boston, MA by the Berkshire Litchfield Environmental Council in 2014, but updated in 2021:
“The smart grid is a 2-way communications system that will eventually turn all of our appliances into radiofrequency radiation (RF) transceivers just like cell phones, capable of being controlled remotely by us and the utility companies. That’s every washer, dryer, refrigerator, freezer, computer, printer, fax, coffee maker, stove, oven, furnace, air conditioner, and on and on — all turned into constant RF-emitting cell-phone like devices, transmitting RF in the 900 MHz — 3 GHz range of the electromagnetic spectrum, 24/7. The average home has at least 15 appliances. This is an involuntary ambient exposure that does not now exist and no government regulatory agency regulates for cumulative background exposures such as this.”
“The smart grid is a large-scale system being forced on citizens at a time when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization, has classified RF in these frequencies as a 2B (possible) carcinogen[1] along with formaldehyde, lead, DDT and exhaust fumes.”
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So Why Smart Meters? Why Now?
(We were told by the city a few years back there were no plans to bring in smart meters….)
The aim of the City of Longmont, in its attempt to be a good planetary citizen in this age of ‘potential climate catastrophe’ (and after the city personally experienced the disastrous flooding of 2013), is to work towards 100% renewable energy and a dramatically reduced CO2 footprint by the year 2030. How will it get there? Smart meters, to begin, electrification, getting rid of natural gas, “sustainability” (whatever that really means) including the reduction of fossil fuel-powered vehicles, and, we surmise, the eventual creation of not only a smart grid but a “smart city.”
The number one priority, and cornerstone to achieving the lofty goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030, according to Longmont’s Climate Action Task Force (an attitude subsequently adopted by the city council) is the installation of a smart meter on every home and business that receives electricity from the Longmont Power and Communications (LPC) CO.
What is wrong with the above plan? Sounds like worthwhile aspirations, no?
Worthwhile aspirations, yes, but are there problems with this course of action? You bet there are! The folks who have pushed back on the meters in Longmont are thoughtful, intelligent, environmentally conscious, and visionary individuals who are not “anti-tech” but instead are “pro safe-tech.” Some of us have RF sensitivities that crept up over time, some of us have experienced microwave injury directly (it’s no walk in the park, if anybody tells you otherwise, run the other way), and some are sensitive or made ill by dirty electricity that the meters cause to the wiring of their homes.
Some of us are “merely” in favor of the Precautionary Principle as espoused by Professor Olle Johansson of Sweden’s famed Karolinska (Nobel Prize) Institute, where we acknowledge there may “bee” a problem, for example, the possibility that the meters may contribute to our disappearing bees and pollinators, and who would rather adopt a precautionary stance in the face of mounting evidence of emf/wireless harms!!
Yes, Houston (and we’ll keep saying it), we have a problem!
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In Addition……and NOT to be minimized….
The City of Longmont was asked via Open Records requests to produce 1) the report that showed specifically HOW the adoption of smart meters would get the city to 100% renewable energy by 2030 (they couldn’t) and 2) the independent expert’s report certifying that the meters would not cause fires (there wasn’t one).
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So, why does the city persist in touting the benefits of RF broadcasting smart meters or (non-broadcasting) digital “opt-out” meters versus our existing analogs?
Ummm! Good question! Benefits…..hmmm……..
Okay, unlike our trusted electromechanical analogs, the smart meters potentially bring the residents the ability to see where they’re using electricity in a home or business, allowing for adjustments to be made to save on power usage, which may be of interest to some. But lights need to be on, refrigerators need to keep food fresh, and when the temps are in the nineties or higher during the summer, which is normal by the way, air conditioners need to keep your home and/or business cool, especially for the elderly (and let’s not forget that electric vehicle on charge overnight in the garage so you can get to work in the morning, feeling very green!). So, what sort of savings are we looking at when you factor in the risk of dead pollinators, ill health in humans and pets, and fires possibly being caused by the meters?
The Longmont Power and Communications CO (LPC) will tout enhanced reliability and the benefit of fewer of their trucks on the road doing things that can be done, instead, with the flip of a switch, and you, the customer saving money due to the ability to use electricity-guzzling appliances, etc. during off-peak hours when electricity should be cheaper. Although this can be achieved already using current technology, what electricity-guzzling appliances are they talking about? Are we really expected to only use our air conditioning units and refrigerators, both high-use items, during these off-peak hours, which, of course, will be late at night? And what about charging the electric vehicles that are being pushed onto us from all sides? Won’t that also be mostly done at night, which will mean it’s no longer an off-peak time, and surely will put an end to any cheaper power during this time period anyway? And, adding insult to injury, what about (as reported by Katie Singer) when happens when multiple EVs are charging overnight, causing transformers to heat up vs. cool down (as is typical at night) whereby it’s estimated that the transformer’s lifespan is reduced from 30-40 years potentially down to three!? What happens when transformers that were never created for that type of usage, ie, charging multiple EVs overnight are put to the test? What unintended consequences will we possibly see, including transformer explosions, as reported by Katie Singer’s friend in LA who witnessed such an explosion? (And not to mention, we already know what’s been happening with EVs (electric vehicles) and EV fires, and it’s not a pretty picture….)
(More on potential grid problems in transitioning to “green energy” here, old yet relevant lecture…..)
How is it that Longmont City Council and Longmont Power and Communication believe smart meters are safe?
The answer to this is simple. They believe the assertions made by the FCC (let’s also throw the FDA in there for good measure, shall we?) on the effects of man-made electromagnetic radiation on humans. The FCC claims it is safe, at certain recommended levels. End of story!
Never mind that FCC’s current guidelines are from 1996 and were derived from tests done as far back as the 1960s. (“The FCC guidelines rest on five fallacies [false assumptions] and therefore renders FCC guidelines obsolete.” Go here to read more.)
Never mind that both the FCC and the FDA are captured agencies, meaning there is a revolving door between these regulators and the industries they are supposed to regulate (Food and Drugs = Big Pharma and Big Ag; Federal Communications = Big Tech, look it up).
Never mind that a recent lawsuit rebuked the FCC for not doing its job of updating its truly antiquated RF guidelines, and ordered it to do so according to the latest science (two years later to the exact day of this writing they have NOT!). These alphabet agencies, it is now acknowledged, no longer regulate their respective industries to the extent the public believes (and rightfully expect), but rather increasingly work in partnership and collusion with industry on agendas that are far more money-driven than driven by the needs of “we the people”. In other words, we the people are expendable, but big money, power (forgive the pun) and control from big industry and government are not.
The work of independent scientists and experts, and a growing number of people complaining of suffering from the effects of man-made electromagnetic radiation exposure, known as electro-hypersensitivity, more accurately named microwave injured is ignored, if not ridiculed. We are faced with the situation of Big Tobacco and Big Asbestos V. 2!!! The playbook, we hear, is very much the same. Unfortunately, this is due to profit by the industries concerned, along with ignorance, the pursuit of personal interests, and might we include ego, especially, in our opinion, from our council members and the management of Longmont Power and Communications. The well-being and health of the residents of this city, sadly, come in a slow second in this race to the bottom.
Insofar as claims by the city of “enhanced reliability” are concerned, as homeowners for nearly thirty years in Longmont, we have rarely, if ever, experienced a power outage, maybe a few flickers from time to time during a storm, but that’s it. We acknowledge that there are reports saying the American electric grid is deeply in need of updating as a matter of national security. We don’t object to that. And…in our experience, the current local system has been reliable and robust, so far so good. So just because other cities think they need to go “smart” why should we, when a part of our own populace is visionary enough to look ahead and see trouble and unintended consequences, and then call for the Precautionary Principle to be implemented in this matter?
To us, rushing ahead as if there is no tomorrow, with the looming threat of climate change creating a “the sky is falling” collective moment and mantra, just doesn’t cut it. We know we’ve got problems, however, rushing headlong into so-called solutions with unintended consequences while utilizing an overabundance of wireless technology because we are so panicked to find the “right” solution right this minute (because…..climate change….we’ve gone from “global warming” to “global boiling” and we have to believe it, because…..the UN says so!?) is simply wrong-headed, unacceptable, and lacking in common sense. There currently exists emerging evidence that “the sky is falling” narrative around climate change, promoted by some with large platforms to engender fear and control populations, may be beginning to crumble under their feet. But that is another story for another day and webpage!
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What are the benefits of smart meters to the power company and to the City of Longmont?
Longmont Power and Communications and the City of Longmont claim smart meters will support a more sustainable community by being the cornerstone by which we achieve 100% renewable energy, thereby opening up new possibilities for energy efficiency. Big words, but as usual the PR doesn’t match the facts, as they have nothing to back up any of it. No proof, no data, no nothing, as mentioned above in the Open Records requests, and no report from a PE (Professional Engineer), staking their reputation that these meters will do what the city promises and that they are, indeed, safe! We don’t know about you, but we can’t see how a smart meter can possibly have anything to do with renewable energy! They read energy usage. They do not create it, or magically change how it is generated. We can, however, see how smart meters can have unintended consequences for health, safety, and security. So is there a con at play here? One that pulls the wool over even our own city council? Risk to benefit, anyone?
The common sense of all this is: you could do your own risk-benefit analysis by studying what’s offered on this site, doing the math, and then, you be the judge!!! (And we haven’t even touched upon the possibilities of cyber-security threats, hacking, and surveillance by these meters….)
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Can I opt out of getting a smart meter?
Yes, but at a cost. This is something they call a monthly fee, we call it extortion! Even though Longmont Power and Communications claim smart meters are free, we have actually already been paying for them through higher electricity rates over the past few years, BUT, even though we the residents of Longmont were not asked if we wanted smart meters or even told what they were, we had to pay for them, anyway. To add insult to injury, it seems we have to pay even more if we do not want one and instead wish to keep our existing, reliable, and proven electromechanical analog meter! However, if a smart meter is declined, we still aren’t “allowed” to keep our trusty existing analog meter, but a new digital “opt-out” meter is fitted instead. And, believe it or not, it costs us even more in the form of a one-of payment that, although the digital meter will not transmit energy usage via wireless and has to be manually read, it still creates dirty electricity in our homes and businesses, just as the RF broadcasting smart meter will. So, a digital meter is almost as bad as a smart meter, and for someone sensitive to dirty electricity (but maybe not rf) it may be worse.
The fee for the privilege of opting out (we call it “paying for protection”) is an extra $15.00 per month added to your bill, and as long as you tell them you’re opting out in the two-week notice period of your impending installation, you’ll receive a digital “opt-out” meter for a one-of fee of $50.00. But wait, there’s more!! If you change your mind after they install a smart meter and wish to opt-out instead, the fee will be $125.00 for replacing your newly installed smart meter with a digital opt-out meter! This is how our local municipally owned power and communications company treats its customers, with the full backing of the Longmont City Council. And we the people objecting to this scheme think it is unconscionable and an outrage. We can only guess (as claimed) that the $15.00 a month “extortion fee” is to pay Longmont Power and Communications to send out a meter reader once a month. However, this is already paid for in the service fee that is already charged on your current power bill and will, presumably (no doubt!) continue to be charged! We worked it out that in opting out, if we continue to pay the existing service fee plus the additional new opt-out meter service fee of $15, we would be paying approximately as much in service fees as we do for the actual electricity we use, potentially more. Again, outrageous!
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Are there alternatives to AMI or, Advanced Metering Infrastructure aka smart meters?
Yes, and it is written about and outlined extensively in the fall 2020 edition of Solar Today in the lead article “Intelligent Energy – Operating System for the Solar Homes and Microgrids of the Future” by Dr. Schoechle, mentioned above, here is a quote from the article’s intro:
“This article features the Energy Management and Metering Architecture (EMMA) technical international standardization initiative of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as a key to the transition to a sustainable and resilient utility of the future.”
This is one extremely promising alternative that we are enamored of and would promote, at the very least on a trial basis, in at least some (if not all) of Longmont. EMMA or, Energy Management and Metering Architecture, as outlined above, is near to being ready to manufacture and use, and that involves a non-proprietary, open-sourced software and hardware that is to be given to the public, for the good of all. Furthermore, one person put forth the idea to make Longmont the manufacturing base for EMMA, thus adding further wealth to our local economy. What could be better to “lean into” such a noble project?
You can read more about EMMA on this website by clicking here.
To the above question on alternatives to smart meters, we say another unabashed “yes” to analog meters!!! Yes, really. In Britain, there was always something called an honor system whereby a customer would read their own meter on a monthly basis and input the readings online, making obsolete the need for a reader to come each month (driving one of those nasty fossil fuel-guzzling vehicles and leaving their sticky carbon footprint on the planet!). Yes, we are being perhaps a little sarcastic, but in Britain, the meters, including both gas and electricity, are only read on-site by the power companies’ reps once a year. Also, there is a choice regarding which company people get their gas and electricity from. This is called competition in a free market economy. Something, oddly (and apparently), lost on the capitalist United States, it would seem! (Caveat: it would appear Britain may be headed the way of America in compelling its residents, quite literally, to have a smart meter; until now it has remained an individual choice, but again, there is toxic legislation passing through that government allowing for actual physical coercion of a customer who resists the installation of a smart meter, so determined is that State to surveil its citizens as quickly as possible via smart meters.)
Something else specific to Longmont is to an extent going to waste here – the potential for an innovative usage of fiber to the premises to report electric usage back to the utility……which by the way, Longmont already has fiber (optics) to the premises (“FTTP”) in most of the city through NextLight……it has been postulated that usage data can be sent via existing fiber optic networks, as, interestingly, the wireless data collection poles in neighborhoods do just that, send their collected data to the utility via the fiber optic network. We are still exploring this option for usage in a hard-wired situation (vs. the current plan: wireless smart meters, wireless mesh networks in neighborhoods, collection poles that used to be tornado warning signals, and all lifeforms in neighborhoods jeopardized from excessive and unnecessary microwave irradiation).
Other systems and ways of producing, managing, storing, and distributing energy do exist, which are safer, more robust, and environmentally more friendly than microwave-emitting smart meters. Again, as with the EMMA, the idea of microgrids persists and is even being trialed as we speak, in a small area of Basalt, CO by Holy Cross Energy, and NREL (National Renewable Energy Labs) in Golden.
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Are there smart meters in other cities, even countries?
Yes. They have been and continue to be foisted, er, rolled out across the United States, Canada, and Europe, including the United Kingdom, either by private energy distribution companies or municipally owned companies, as in the case of Longmont. It is estimated that 70% of U.S. residences and businesses have a smart meter.
What is the current state of affairs regarding the smart meter rollout in Longmont?
A press release was recently issued by Longmont Power and Communications on July 20th. You can read it here. And, our latest information lets us know that 100 more meters are to be installed between 15 – 25 Aug. to be followed by more in mid-late September.
Go here to read our ‘proposed resolution for a moratorium on Longmont’s smart meter rollout’ that we presented before City Council on May 30, 2023.
Learn More Here about our demand for an immediate cessation of Longmont’s “smart” meter rollout as well as demand for a moratorium on the rollout, while common sense is brought to bear, real dangers and risks are acknowledged, and while we the public assess whether or not these claims made by Longmont Power and Communications and the Longmont City Council on the benefits of AMI are accurate. Or should we be employing the Precautionary Principle?
Watch This Video
Although the following video is intended for a British audience, and a little out of date concerning the law in the UK regarding smart meter installation, much of the content, however, also applies to smart meters in the US.
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