TechSafe Schools – Longmont

TechSafe Schools – Longmont (TSSL)
is proud to announce a
FREE showing of
the award-winning documentary,
Generation Zapped.


This will be the first of a series of special live events
at the Longmont Public Library to educate parents, grandparents, educators
and others with “skin in the game” on the risks and dangers to children
of wireless, and other invisible sources of electro-magnetic radiation (EMFs)
and the problems this invisible toxin poses.

And also, what you can do about it!!!


When:  Sunday March 30th, 2025
Where: Longmont Library,
Time:    2 – 4 PM


409 4th Ave, Longmont 80501
Main entrance on Kimbark St.
just north of the Civic Center


About the Film

Generation Zapped, an award winning, eye-opening documentary is a must watch for parents, grandparents, educators and anyone else interested in or charged with protecting children’s health and well being. It reveals the serious health risks posed by wireless technology, explains why kids are more at risk, and gives examples of what to watch out for, including inability to concentrate, fatigue, headaches and nosebleeds, and much, much more. It features interviews with experts in science and public health as well as with people who suffer from high sensitivity to wireless radiation, offering suggestions of ways to reduce your exposure while protecting yourself and your family.



Why do we need Generation Zapped and what is this film attempting to show us? (Protecting the children, informing ourselves.)

GENERATION ZAPPED investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology; its effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. This includes links to breast and brain cancer, to its associations with increased infertility and genetic mutations related to autism and ADHD, to newly identified illnesses, such as electrical hyper-sensitivity (EHS).

This film was born of a personal and deep investigation by Executive Producer Peter Sullivan as to why his two sons growing up in the tech capital of Silicon Valley, California, were manifesting signs of being on the autism spectrum. Peter has funded studies to try and find out why some people are sensitive to low frequency radiation, including his own sons. He teamed with award winning film director Sabine El Gemayel, herself a mother of three teenagers, who is intensely concerned about the impacts of wireless technology on children and young adults.

Together, Sullivan and El Gemayel have created GENERATION ZAPPED as a social-awareness documentary combining personal stories from others directly affected, along with discussions with doctors, health researchers, and other experts discovering the mounting scientific evidence. The film features public health policy experts who are fighting to revise long outdated policies and safety regulations.

GENERATION ZAPPED provides hope-by suggesting simple guidelines for how to protect and safeguard ourselves and our families against these potential dangers.



About Silicon Valley
Executive Producer Peter Sullivan

“I thought anybody who talked about the health effects of EMFs was a complete idiot.
I thought that they just were not science-y.”

Peter Sullivan is among an estimated 3 percent of people in California who suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. Previously a software designer for Netflix, Inc., Interwoven, Inc., Excite@Home, and Silicon Graphics, today Peter is one of the US’s leading environmental health funders, focusing on toxins and wireless safety. He has funded research at Harvard, Stanford, University of California, Berkeley, and several leading environmental health non profits. He speaks about autism and environmental health at conferences internationally. In 2014 Peter met director Sabine El Gemayel and decided to partly fund her film to bring this issue to light.

From Mother Jones Article:

“This former techie owes his fortune to electronic devices.
Now he thinks they’re dangerous.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Who and what is TechSafe Schools – Longmont, and why should we care?

TechSafe Schools is a growing movement in the U.S. and other places, of citizens who are waking up to the harms of wireless technology and want to do something about it, especially insofar as protecting the most vulnerable among us, our kids. We are committed to bringing awareness of the harm that is happening to people, animals, insects and ocean life, microbes, and the environment in general that is being caused by the unfettered and often, thoughtless expansion of wireless and smart technology everywhere we all live and breathe.

TechSafe Schools – Longmont is a small group of Longmont residents participating in a ten city year-long pilot program under the umbrella of Massachusetts for Safe Technology and following the lead of Americans for Responsible Technology. This important program is dedicated to 1) raising awareness of wireless technology and how it may be adversely affecting children and other lifeforms, and 2) creating safe, wired learning spaces for kids where they are free to learn and thrive. The goal of this pilot is to create a shareable and working model of how a city can still use technology in its schools but at the same time keeping kids safe with wired tech. We are excited to start the community conversation on this trending topic by hosting free live events that include educational movies, panel discussions with Q&A, and other free presentations, online and off.

This free showing of Generation Zapped is not sponsored or endorsed
by the Longmont Public Library, City of Longmont, nor its affiliates.



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