Americans for Responsible Technology – Urgent Action Required


The wireless industry has introduced a blizzard of new bills in Congress to speed up deployment of cell towers and antennas in neighborhoods, national parks, and outer space.

Somebody has to do something!

With hundreds of lobbyists in Washington and a compliant Congress, the wireless industry is making a big push to get rid of anything that stands in their way of wireless connectivity everywhere, all the time.

The worst bill, HR 3557, would virtually eliminate local control over antenna deployment. If it passes, the FCC and the telecoms, not your local board, will decide if a wireless antenna can be erected in your front yard. You will have no say in the matter.

See our page and  advocate’s flyer on HR 3557.

And that’s not all!

What better place to put up new cell towers and antennas than in our national parks and wilderness areasHR 3293 calls for the establishment of a “strike force” to ensure quick approvals of applications, development of online portals to speed up application processing, and removal of “barriers” to rapid deployment of wireless infrastructure on all federal lands.

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(Old news, current dilemma, comments, below from site editor.)

Cell tower despoils BWCA, conservation group alleges in lawsuit

Alton Lake, BWCA

(Editorial note – above, an undated and unbespoiled photo of Alton Lake near the Sawbill entry point in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, with April 3, 2013 headline: AT&T completes cell tower near BWCA. One battle lost, millions left to fight…..)

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Back to ART:

We will strongly oppose any bills that use taxpayer dollars to make it easier for telecoms to place their ugly, dangerous, fire-prone antennas in our national parks and monuments, historic sites, and wilderness areas.

And there’s more…..

Another set of bills (HR 1338 and others) makes it easier for wireless companies to launch  thousands of additional telecom satellites in space. No one seems troubled by the fact that this violates international treaties, or that the FCC admits it lacks any legal basis to authorize space satellites, or that a chain of collisions could lead to massive catastrophic incidents or worse. Who will say no?

Actually, we will. And we hope you’ll join us.

Your legislator works for you! Call him or her today!

These bills will undo much of the work you and other enlightened individuals have done over the past decade or more to stop the reckless deployment of wireless infrastructure. We need to work together to make sure our legislators hear from all of us.

You can find sample scripts, read more about these bills, and see letters and talking points on this page of the ART website.

Thank you 🙂

These bills are currently under consideration in the House.
To find your House member, please click here. 

All of our work on wireless issues, including our legal, legislative and educational efforts, are made possible by the generosity of individuals like you. If you are able, we hope you will consider making a donation to ART to support our work.

Thank you to the many individuals who have already contributed to ART.  We are deeply appreciative of your support.

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